• Who owns Roo Crew and Eco Wood 2.0?

    Boley. Roo Crew and Eco Wood 2.0 were designed from our US headquarters located in Southern California, where we have been producing safe and innovative toys for over 40 years. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

    What does Wood 2.0 mean?

    Wood 2.0 is a marketing term not a literal term. 2.0 is used to denote a superior or more advanced version of an original concept. Instead of digging up real trees from the ground, this gives the smell and look of wood, but is actually better for the environment as we don’t tear out trees. It is a superior option to harming the environment, thus we refer to it as Wood 2.0.

    Is Roo Crew safe?

    Yes. Roo Crew is tested to all International Toy Standards.

    Is the corrugate you use in your packaging recycled cardboard?


    Can you use water to wash off the toys?

    Yes. But if your Roo Crew toy has electronics inside, please simply use only a damp cloth.

    Why do you use the term “Eco Wood”?

    There was really not a word that existed for the products we were making. Generally, toys are either made out of plastic or wood. Since the product has a musty wooden smell to it, and has lot of fibers and grain to the look, it seemed logical to use the word Eco Wood. We wanted to be distinctly different than people who use virgin wood from harvesting trees.

    What percent recycled material is Eco Wood 2.0?

    While we strive to get to 100% recycled material, our number one goal is always safety. In order to give the organic material enough strength to comply with all safety testing and guidelines, we use an abundance of caution and mix in some standard resin to guarantee strength. In fact, our 3 largest volume items all exceed 90% + recycled materials. Some other items are only 50%. We are constantly improving our formula and manufacturing processes and we look forward to the day when we can use 100% waste/recycled material.

    What is the material that you use to make Roo Crew products?

    Roo Crew is made of our “Eco Wood 2.0” material , which contains recycled plastic and plant fibers that otherwise would be wasted. We primarily get these raw materials from the the farming industry that normally are discarded. Some materials that we use are corn husks, wheat straw, sawdust, recycled green house covers, and standard resin.